Hes my ex. Not my most recent ex, but the father of my kids, the one that left me for another woman. The one that is an alcoholic. The one that I should hate but I dont have enough feeling for him to actually hate him.
Hes staying because he has managed to ostracise himself from his family, none of them speak to him, because of his lies, his promises to change and other reasons that they have. Part of them not being over-friendly isnt his fault, its the fault of one evil, twisted person that doesnt seem to live in reality anymore. She has said things that simply are not true. Shes the one that is my ex-best friend, hardly surprising.
Anyways, I dont want him here anymore. I dont have many regrets in my life, very few in fact, but this I regret.
Hes staying because he has nowhere else, he was with his brother but even he doesnt want him there anymore and he doesnt want to be there and cant be there because of things going on with the brother (drugs). I had agreed for him to stay for a few days, which turned into a week, which has now turned into a couple of weeks.
Its not like hes not pulling his weight, he cooks, he cleans and he looks after the kids sometimes too. But its the little things he does. Questions me about things, like last night, I mentioned that my mate had asked me to go to her bf's gig with her, I didnt really want to but hes all like 'So, are you asking me to babysit again (he's babysat 3 times since he got here), you were just complaining about being skint and now youre talking about going out?'. All I was doing was making conversation!
Then when he does babysit, he wants to know who Im with and where Im going, and Im like 'Its none of your damn business who I see or where I go!'
He has a problem with a very old friend of mine, by very old I mean that Ive known him since forever. We have been 'together' a few times and we have fallen out a good few times too! Ya know how you do with guy friends that are more than just friends but not all the time and they have issues and things go tits up but then a little while later its all forgotten and everything is ok again? Well, we're like that. We always seem to drift back together. But he has a problem with him coz of how he treated me one time. It was something and nothing but its like its a huge deal. And apparently this guy did something with some girl when she was seeing one of his mates although thats their business not my ex's, its just an excuse to try and still have some control over me. So if I want to see this guy then I have to tell the ex that Im doing something else because I cant be bothered with the hassle. Its ridiculous.
Hes made no effort to try and find somewhere else to live and Im being treated like the mug that Im acting like. I need to be strong and make him leave coz the more I say he can stay, the less he is going to try and find somewhere else.
I have to remember that he is not my responsibility anymore, hes a grown man and he needs to be able to look after himself. He can look after himself.
Im getting there though, twice hes asked me to go somewhere with him, to hold his hand in a way, and twice I have said no. Before I would have just gone, to keep the peace.
I just need to build on that strength.