Thursday, 17 November 2011

I want ...

And now I want so much.
I hate feeling like this. I'm strong. I'm independent. I'm good with my own company. I like being alone.
But not any more. Well, not all the time anyways. Not any more.
I want someone. I want some to want me. I want someone to be there on these cold nights, to watch TV with, to play games with, to go to bed early with. Not every night. Just occasionally.
I want someone to wake up with. I want someone to bring me coffee in the morning. To snuggle up with for a while, then have the dishes done when I do get up!
I don't want to be the odd one out on nights out. The only one that doesn't have a bf.
I know I'm hard work, I know I can be an incredibly rubbish girlfriend (by normal standards). But that's the way I am. I'm moody. I'm stroppy. I change my mind, a lot. I'm not easy to deal with and I rarely make things simple. I don't trust, not 100%. I don't get jealous, but I do get suspicious.
But, despite all that, I can also be a very awesome girlfriend an all. I'm loyal, generous, helpful. I can be affectionate. And I'm a damn good cook (as long as you don't bother me in the kitchen!).
I don't really know what it is I'm trying to say to be honest.
I guess I'm lonely. Well, I know I'm lonely.
Jeez, you know I'm lonely.
It makes my head confused. I've been thinking lately, those women that settle, I can understand why they do it. I could never see why before but I think I get it now. I still very much doubt that I could do that. I would make life hell for them and for myself because of the boredom factor.
I need someone that's going to keep me on my toes. Someone with a mind of their own. An opinion of their own. Someone that will argue with me if they feel passionate about something. I don't want a 'yes-man', it would wind me up no end.
This doesn't mean that I want to be messed around. I hate it when people lie to me. An old relationship of mine ended, not because the person cheated, but because they lied to me about it even though I knew 100%. If they had been honest, maybe things could have been salvaged.
But I digress, actually I don't. Considering I'm not even sure what my point was.
Ugh, I don't even know. I guess I just want a nice, (hot) guy that's going look after me a little bit but not crowd me. Someone that has their own life as well as the one that they want to share with me. Someone that is going to be honest and not tell me what they think I want to hear - they're usually wrong anyways. Someone that I can love, and trust 100% and that loves me back just as much.
I think this may actually be too much to ask.

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