Sunday, 3 April 2011


Its been a long time since I have felt loved. And I have never felt loved for who I am, just for who people think that I am.
That's my fault, because I have never given myself to anyone fully. I'm far too afraid of being hurt. If I opened myself up to someone, like I see people doing all the time, then I would give them control. I would give them the power to hurt me, and if they did, then it would essentially be my fault.
I don't know if I'm capable of doing that.

I just want to be loved, and be told I'm loved, and know I am. But I don't know if I can let that happen.


  1. If you don't take a chance in life you get very little back. You have to be brave and make it happen. As they say "nothing ventured, nothing gained"

    Opening yourself up to someone has nothing to do with control. It's all about being comfortable with the person you are. Someone can only hurt you as much as you let them. Control is such an awful word. We are all masters of our own destiny, the choices we make everyday define us.

    Take a chance with life, love yourself and you will be loved.


  2. I love you for this comment. It hits a lot of nerves, but also makes me rethink the way I see things. Thankyou, SO much x
