Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Neverending ...

Excuse me for this, but FOR FUCK SAKES!
Ugh, I am so annoyed right now. Why is it, just as I think that everything is on track and I start making plans, something comes along to fuck it up? People keep telling me that I deserve better and stuff, but would someone like to inform fate, or destiny or whatever the fuck it is, of that?
I moved home May 2009, altogether it took over 18 months for monies to be sorted. I thought that this month was the first month that I could actually make plans and manage my finances but no. I didn't get money that i was supposed to this month, so I phone up to find out whats going on, to be told that someone else (and they cant  tell me who) has tried to pass my kids off as their own so they have stop my money for up to 3 months while they look in to it. My kids live with me ffs, I complain about them often enough. Why would I make that up?!
There is nothing I can do either. I mean, the two guys I spoke to were more than helpful but there is only so much they can do. They don't have details (or if they do, they're not allowed to tell me) so for all they know, could be the one making a fraudulent claim. 
The ONLY way that i can look at this, is that once its sorted and they realise that the kids are here, is that Ill struggle now but Ill get a bit of lump sum around Xmas time. Catalogue payoffs here I come!
I absolutely hate having to rely on this money but I do. That's basic fact. And losing that amount, without warning, the day before I go to Ireland totally worries me. 
Its not just now, I have a bit of a buffer to cover this. I may have to delay the boys early Christmas present but rent is more important (I suppose). But the next two months as well. 
Looks like its the starvation diet for me then.
Silver lining an all that I guess.

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